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Zimbabwe has long been one of Africa’s top safari destinations. Zimbabwe is a land-locked country surrounded by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the west, Zambia to the north and Mozambique to the east. Zimbabwe consists mostly of Savannah and forest.
When hunting in Zimbabwe, many clients include a trip to the Victoria Falls.

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Zimbabwe Capital


About Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has long been one of Africa’s top safari destinations.  Zimbabwe is a land-locked country surrounded by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the west, Zambia to the north and Mozambique to the east. Victoria Falls is found in Zimbabwe, also knows Mosi-oa-Tunya (the mist that thunders). Victoria Falls; at twice the height of the Niagara falls, and is one of the seven wonders of the world. The Zambezi River defines its northern border. Zimbabwe consists mostly of Savannah and forest. The hunting areas in Zimbabwe are easily accessible from either Bulawayo in the South or Victoria Falls in the north. When hunting in Zimbabwe, many clients include a trip to the falls.

Our hunting takes place in Matetsi. This is in the North of Zimbabwe and located about 55 km west of Hwange and approximately 50 km from the Victoria Falls airport. The hunting area is communal land adjacent to Hwange and is approximately 120 000 to 150 000 hectares. The village started as a railway siding and took its name from the nearby Matetsi River.

Spoken Languages
  • English
  • Afrikaans
  • Shona
  • Ndebele
Available Game
  • Elephant
  • Buffalo
  • Leopard
  • Sable Antelope
  • Hippo
  • Crocodile
  • Hyena
  • Chobe Bushbuck
  • Plains Game

Tiger Fishing is at its best in Zimbabwe. A Tiger fishing trip can be arranged as the Zambezi River flows along Zim’s southern border.


The rainfall season is primarily from December to March. By April and May, most of the rain has subsided, leaving a verdant setting, which is starting to dry out. The night-time temperatures start to drop. The nights in June to August become much cooler the days are still clear and warm. Into September and October, the temperatures rise once again. November is unpredictable, it can be hot and dry, and it can also see the season’s first rainfalls.


Lake Kariba which is approximately 2 million acres of tribal land, with nearly 250km of water frontage. All of 2 main camps are brick built lodges and have WIFI and a  swimming pool. We also have a fly camp which is on the far west of our concession. Our priority species are Buffalo, Hippo, Crocodile, Lion, Leopard, tuskless Elephant, Bushbuck and Waterbuck. We have elephant bulls which do not weight heavy but have beautiful long ivory ranging from 35-45 pounds.

Coming into Zimbabwe there are 2 main ports of entry, either Harare or Vic falls International Airport. You may either charter to camp or road transfer from Harare which is about 6-8hrs drive.

Hunting Safaris in Africa | Kudu Adventure Safaris

Transfers into camp there are 3 ways

1. Air charter – 3 seater hire-camp-hire $3400 ,  6 seater hire-camp-hire $4600

2. Road transfer- 6hrs to the south camp $700 return   9hrs to the north camp $800 return

3. Road/boat transfer – 5hrs to Kariba / 1:15hrs boat across the lake $900 return

The road transfer price may drop according  to the number of people being transferred Charter flight prices may vary year to year depending on the economic situation.

Gratuities for camp

Camp staff average per day – $50-100

Trackers – $25-30 per day

Boat hire

We have a pelican which we hire @ $50/day and $1:50/litre used while using the boat.

Port of entry

Harare international is the best port of entry due to multiple flights in a day and proximity of camp.